Sunday, July 14, 2013

It's OK to Not Do It All - Monday Musings on Luke 10:38-42

I wrote this drama for a preaching class.  The assignment was to preach incorporating a 'found text'  - and at the time, I saw an ad/billboard (I can't remember what it was for!) that said "It's OK to not do it all."  I remember thinking, "That's sort of what Jesus was trying to tell Martha."  Then I started wondering what Martha's response was.  Did she listen to Jesus and sit down?  How did her life change from this encounter with Jesus?  What did her friends think?

Let’s see.  The washing is all done. 

And the bread baking went so much faster with Mary to help.  And we had so much fun reminiscing about mother! 

Hmm.  Dusting – I should probably dust.  No it can wait.  There are more important things than dusting every day. 
Email!  I have time for my e-mail. And I need to answer Rachel last message.  I don’t know quite what to say to her….

Maybe I should re-read our last few posts….

(7Days ago)
RE: It’s ok to not do it all.
From:  Rachel []
To: Martha []

Dear Martha,

I can’t believe you emailed back already!  And such a chatty note!  Usually it’ two weeks later and you say “been really busy, hope everything’s ok, talk more later.”  What’s gotten into you?

Anyway, I’ve been telling you all along, it is OK to not do it all.  That’s why God gave you a sister.  You need to give that dreamer a good kick in the you-know-what and get her to do her fair share.

I can’t believe this Jesus told you Mary chose the better way!  I mean – what do men know about how to care for a guest. Really, he simply has no idea just how much work it is to host a party.  What did he expect – for you to sit down and spend time with him AND there would be a meal!  Did he think there would suddenly just be enough food for all?

Oops – gotta go.  It’s time to pick the kids up from Hebrew school.
Shalom, Rachel

(6 days ago)
RE: It’s ok to not do it all.
From: Martha []
To: Rachel []

Dear Rachel,

You just don’t get it.  When Jesus said Mary’s choice to sit and listen to his teaching was a better choice than my choice stay in the kitchen to prepare the meal, I WAS angry.  I couldn’t believe he took her side!   
So I thought – I’ll show him.  I’ll sit down and listen and then when dinner’s not ready, he will see that he should have sent Mary in to help. 

So I sat right down next to Mary and started to listen.  After a while, I stopped being angry and worrying about dinner, and really listening to Jesus.     

You know what – no one starved!  After Jesus taught us for awhile, everyone pitched in and we had a delightful dinner.  Those fishermen really know how to cook a fish!  I even had John show me his recipe!

I had planned to wow Jesus with my skills at hosting a party on such short notice. Instead, I actually got to enjoy a meal with my guests!  It was so nice to be a part of the table conversation instead of running back and forth to the kitchen.  Jesus tells the most wonderful jokes. 

Shalom, Martha

(5 Days ago)
RE: It’s ok to not do it all.
From:  Rachel []
To: Martha []

Dear Martha!

I am scandalized!  It’s one thing for those uncivilized fishermen to invade your kitchen – you can’t expect Galileans to understand the way sophisticated hosts manage their parties.  But you – you actually let them!!

I can’t say I think much of this Jesus you’re always talking about.  He seems to be rather lacking in the manners department.  He should have better control of his closest followers.  It’s like he cares more about talking than about the right way to do things.  What did he do after the meal, roll up his sleeves and wash the dishes?

Enough of this nonsense!  I’ve got a meeting with the synagogue women’s committee.  We’re having a bake sale so the youth group can go on the Jerusalem overnight trip – you know the one where they get to tour the temple and meet the High Priest.

(4 Days ago)
RE: It’s ok to not do it all.
From: Martha []
To: Rachel []

Dear Rachel,

As a matter of fact, Jesus does care more about talking with people, and listening to their stories and taking care of them, than about doing things the right way. 

And yes, he did help with the cleaning up, as did Mary and several of the disciples.  Really, Rachel, the evening was so much more enjoyable without having to worry about all that I needed to get done.  I got to know Jesus so much better.  He tells such terrific stories. 

How can I help with the youth trip?  Do you need any chaperones?


 (3 Days ago)
RE: It’s ok to not do it all.
From:  Rachel []
To: Martha [manicmartha@jcmail.menet]

Dear Martha,

I don’t know if you should spend so much time with this Jesus.  He seems to be a bad influence on you.  Your mother, God bless her memory, would turn over in her grave if she knew how you shirked out of your hostess duties and the pitiful way you entertained your guests.  Hosting guests is NOT about spending time with them, it’s about showing off how well you run a house and how good a cook you are.  I know your mother taught you better.

The bake sale committee wants me to ask if you could provide the usual 6 dozen baklava, 7 loaves of your mother’s famous bread and as much matzo as you can make.  Passover’s coming you know!

Shalom, Rachel

PS – how could you possibly find the time to chaperone!

(2 days ago)
RE: It’s ok to not do it all.
From: Martha []
To: Rachel []

Dear Rachel,

Jesus, a bad influence!  For years, you’ve been saying I’m too busy, I work too hard.  That I need to quit trying to do it all by myself and get Mary to help me.

I’m realizing that life is about more that clothes, or houses or food.  Jesus taught me that.   That it’s just as important to feed my soul with the bread of God as it is to make the bread that feeds my family.

 So I am taking Jesus’ advice to choose the better part.  Sometimes that’s being busy making bread, and cleaning house and serving my family.  And sometimes the better part is taking the time to pray, and listen and look for God in the world around me.  I discovered that my to-do list needed to include both time to love God and time to love the people around me.

That’s how I finally have time to answer my e-mails.  And how I can have time to chaperone the youth trip.  I’d really rather spend some time getting to know the young people in our synagogue than making all that baklava.  How about I just make mother’s bread for the bake sale?  That way I’ll have time to chaperone too!
Shalom, Martha

RE: It’s ok to not do it all?
From:  Rachel []
To: Martha []

Dear, Dear Martha,

That doesn’t sound like the Martha we all know and love!  I think that you should probably stop those trips to hear Jesus preach, leave the neighbors alone, and take care of yourself. 

Concentrate on doing more of those things that you are so good at – everyone in Bethany envies your homemaking skills.  If you want to spend some time with others, why don’t you invite some of those teen girls in and show them the proper way to keep a gracious home and serve fabulous meals.  You’re always saying how the young girls need to spend more time learning the fine art of household management! Mary could do with some of those lessons too!

The bake sale committee and the youth trip organizers think that they can manage without you this year.  Really, we’re all concerned about you.  You just haven’t been acting like yourself.  Perhaps after a week or two – stay home and let Mary take care of you for a change - you’ll feel up to leading the annual Pre-Passover house sweeping.
Shalom, Rachel

Martha:  (to herself):  Hmm.  Now, what should I say to her?  OH I’ve got it! (Speaking while typing)

RE: It’s ok to not do it all.
From: Martha []
To: Rachel []

Dear Rachel,

There’s nothing wrong with me.  Actually, I feel better than I have in years.  I didn’t realize how over-scheduled I was.  I was so busy multi-tasking, being the best home-maker, cook, hostess that Bethany had ever seen, I forgot the most important thing.

Rachel, it really is ok to not do it all.



Note:  I believe in sharing, so feel free to use this drama - but please give proper credit!

Performance Note:  I did this as a monologue, with a laptop as a prop.  I think it would also work with 2 readers (and 2 laptops).

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